The Science of Well Being

During this healthcare crisis of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have all been thrown into a turbulent and troubled world, physically, financially, and mentally.
It is more important than ever to take the best care of yourself. While we all know how to exercise, how to eat better and have better health habits, we sometimes neglect a key ingredient to optimal health – how to be happier. Having a positive mental attitude and state of mind will help keep your immune system strong and your overall health in much better shape. A happier, positive outlook also helps us deal with troubled times and stressful situations better.
Yale University has a free online class call The Science of Well Being, and it is currently being offered for FREE !! You can find this class here:
it is Yale’s most popular online class and is focused on helping us to be happier in our daily lives.
I encourage you to check out this resource and other resources that can help you both mentally and physically during this challenging time.
Please Stay Safe and Be Well!
If you need us for a dental emergency, please call our office at 623-878-2600 and we will make arrangements for your treatment.
Raymund Tanaka, DDS, MAGD
March 25, 2020